A Medical Aesthetics and Injectables Studio

Located in Middleton, ID


  • Botox Injections

    non-invasive injections that results in a smoothing effect of the skin by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Botox can also be used to as a preventative treatment to reduce wrinkles from forming. Botox injections can also treat teeth grinding, TMJ, headaches/migraine, and more.

  • Chemical Peels

    Chemical peels use a blend of different acids to increase cellular turnover, remove dead skin cells, reduce pigmentation, treat acne and acne scarring, and soften fine lines and wrinkles. I carry VI Peels, The Perfect Derma Peel, Face Reality Acne Peels, and Skin Better Science Peels. I will help assist you in selecting the one right for you. Chemical peels can result in no visible peel to up to a week of peeling. Chemical peels are suitable for all skin types with proper pre-treatment. Best results can be seen with a series of 3-4 treatments.

  • Microneedling

    Microneedling is a treatment that treats texture, fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, enlarged pores, dull aging skin and tone. A medical grade, FDA approved Microneedling device is used to create micro injuries to the skin which stimulates collagen and elastin production. Microneedling can be alternated every 4-6 weeks with chemical peels to maximize results.

  • Dermaplane

    A method of exfoliation using a surgical scalpel to remove dead skin cells vellus hair (peach fuzz) from your face. This helps with skincare absorption and smoother application of makeup. This is a great add on service before chemical peels or other facials.

  • Vitamin Injections

    Vitamin Booster Shots. Quick and effective pick-me-ups, these intramuscular injections deliver needed nutrients, vitamins and amino acids that are absorbed into the bloodstream resulting in high bioavailability. Vitamin injections help to build your body’s energy levels, immunity, and overall health.

    B12, Metabolism Booster, Immunity Booster, and Beauty Booster.

  • Medical Grade Skincare

    Medical grade skincare is targeted to specific medical conditions and needs, such as acne or wrinkles. Medical grade skincare contains concentrations of active ingredients that are generally greater than what you can find over the counter. These products have gone through extensive testing to prove their efficacy. This type of skincare is meant to offer both medicinal and cosmetic benefits.

    Shop SkinBetter Now

  • Medical Weight Loss

    GLP-1 and GIP receptor agonists like Semaglutide and Tirzepatide help to regulate appetite and glucose metabolism, leading to reduced caloric intake and subsequent weight loss. Our program consists of once weekly injections along with diet and exercises.

    We require an initial consultation to discuss weight loss goals, medical history, and develop an individualized plan to meet your goals. Lab work is also required prior to starting our weight loss program (we will order these labs).

    Contraindications to GLP-1 and GIP receptor agonists include:

    -Personal or family history of thyroid cancer

    -Kidney disease or decrease kidney function.

    -Pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.

    -Allergic reaction to GLP-1 or GIP receptor agonists.